For Sale

Carnaby Highgrove


Coming soon to Llanrhidian Holiday Park! The price includes site fees for the remaining season, siting and connections and all gas and electrical testing and certification.

The light, bright and airy Highgrove is the perfect holiday home for a family. The lounge offers a large 4-seater comfortable deep-button sofa, a coordinating armchair, a large coffee table, a tv stand and an electric fireplace. The kitchen has plenty of storage and surface space and comes with an integrated microwave, fridge freezer, twin over and grill and one-piece resin sink. The kitchen also has a central, slate effect, dining table and high back dining chairs. The main bedroom boasts a spacious king size bed with a feature headboard, over bed cabinets, and an ensuite with a walk-in shower. The twin bedroom has twin beds, overhead shelves and cupboards, a wardrobe and a vanity area with a mirror and shelves. The family bathroom features a walk-in shower, vanity unit and mirrored cabinet.

The Carnaby Highgrove will be sited on a fantastic plot here at Llanrhidian Holiday park and with the park only being closed from 6th January to 1st February, you will be able to truly make the most of your holiday home!


County-South Wales
Nearest Town/City-Swansea
Park Name-Llanrhidian Holiday Park
Holiday home type-Static Caravan
New or Used-New
Size-40 x 12 Square Feet
No.of Bedrooms-2


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Carnaby Highgrove


Coming soon to Llanrhidian Holiday Park! The price includes site fees for the remaining season, siting and connections and all gas and electrical testing and certification.

The light, bright and airy Highgrove is the perfect holiday home for a family. The lounge offers a large 4-seater comfortable deep-button sofa, a coordinating armchair, a large coffee table, a tv stand and an electric fireplace. The kitchen has plenty of storage and surface space and comes with an integrated microwave, fridge freezer, twin over and grill and one-piece resin sink. The kitchen also has a central, slate effect, dining table and high back dining chairs. The main bedroom boasts a spacious king size bed with a feature headboard, over bed cabinets, and an ensuite with a walk-in shower. The twin bedroom has twin beds, overhead shelves and cupboards, a wardrobe and a vanity area with a mirror and shelves. The family bathroom features a walk-in shower, vanity unit and mirrored cabinet.

The Carnaby Highgrove will be sited on a fantastic plot here at Llanrhidian Holiday park and with the park only being closed from 6th January to 1st February, you will be able to truly make the most of your holiday home!

County-South Wales
Nearest Town/City-Swansea
Park Name-Llanrhidian Holiday Park
Holiday home type-Static Caravan
New or Used-New
Size-40 x 12 Square Feet
No.of Bedrooms-2

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